Frequently Asked Question

How do I build a Form template?

Last Updated 8 years ago

Check out our How to Build a Form video:

Forms can be built on a desktop or tablet device.

Once logged into FormTabCentral, select the Team your new form is to be added to. 

Click ‘Create a Form’ this will take you to our simple to use Formbuilder.

Give your form a name by adding text to the area which contains placeholder text 'Your title here'. Click on the cog icon next to this field to add a form description

Add your logo, and click fields from the right hand sidebar to add them to your form. Once fields are in place click the 'Done' button top left or 'Preview' top right.

Your new form is now visible under “Forms”. 'Publish' to make it available to team members and nominate 'Share Options'.

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